Springfield city manager withdraws from job search in Manhattan, Kansas

After being named one of four finalists for a city manager job in Manhattan, Kansas, Springfield City Manager Jason Gage has withdrawn his candidacy. Gage has worked for the city of Springfield for six years.

Gage was hired in 2018 after working in Salina, Kansas, for 18 years also as city manager. When he was hired, he made $220,000, but the most recent amendment to his employment agreement, the fourth of its kind, increased his salary to $267,644.52 in September.

Gage was announced as one of four finalists selected for the Kansas position from a field of 50 applicants in early July. Gage had the most experience in local government of the four. The city held in-person interviews and community engagement events July 22-23 that Gage attended. City’s chief spokesperson Cora Scott confirmed Gage’s decision to withdraw and noted that he withdrew Wednesday, July 24, ahead of the Manhattan City Commission’s deliberations.

“After weighing all factors, leaving Springfield just didn’t feel right,” Scott shared as Gage’s statement regarding the decision.

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