Poetry from Daily Life: Watch your children and see what words they bring you

This week’s guest is Marcus Cafagña, who was born in Michigan and lived in Pennsylvania before moving to the Ozarks to teach poetry writing at Missouri State University. Marcus says he gave up playing the violin when he was 12 to become more serious about writing poems. He has written short stories and book reviews but always returned to poetry. A favorite book to write, “All the Rage in the Afterlife This Season,” took 15 years in the making. Marcus is a film buff and sports fan and quite proud of his son, Diego, who is now a college student. ~ David L. Harrison

Writing poems about our children

Of all the gifts our children give us, such as their innocence and good nature, their curiosity about the world is one particularly worth cherishing. My wife Jenn and I often witnessed our son Diego’s cheeks colored by his inquisitive nature, a child we had named after the famous Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. By the age of four, he was drawing his own lines and shapes upon the bare white walls of our home.

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