Springfield elementary students head to history museum on field trip thanks to grant

A grant is allowing more than 400 third-grade students in Springfield Public Schools to learn more about local and state history — and the individuals who shaped that history.

The Missouri Humanities awarded $10,000 to support the History Museum on the Square ‘s Meet Missouri program. The funds will allow local students to participate in curated field trip experiences.

Launched in 2021, Meet Missouri is an educational program designed for students in grades 3-5, although it can be adapted for other age groups. It was created to complement Missouri social studies curriculum that involves learning about notable Missourians.


The program was developed in collaboration with Springfield Public Schools.

Students who participate in the field trips will learn about local, state and national figures along with eras of Missouri history. The goal, according to the museum, is to connect them to the stories of their community.

“By visiting the History Museum on the Square and participating in Meet Missouri, students can see themselves reflected in Springfield’s past and discover diverse role models to aspire to,” says Sean FitzGibbons, executivedirector of the History Museum on the Square, in a news release.

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