Monday, Septemebr 23 forecast: Monday kicking off with more rain

So long summer and hello fall… and rain! We need it. Some spots have seen over an inch this weekend.

Scattered rain and occasional thunderstorms will continue through the day today. Pockets around the Ozarks could see between a half inch and up to 2 inches today. The rain will taper off tonight and besides a few morning rain showers on Tuesday, tomorrow should be dry.

Temperatures will be kept down today to around 70° thanks to the clouds and rain. Plan for the upper 50s overnight tonight with skies remaining cloudy. The clouds may break apart a little by Tuesday afternoon and temperatures will still be cool in the low 70s.

Wednesday should be quiet and cool with temperatures in the mid-70s and skies showing a mix of sun and clouds. Wet weather may return as early as Thursday as a cut-off low-pressure system primes the atmosphere for additional rain. A tropical cyclone may also find its way to the Central US later this week.

These two features may work together to generate rainy days to end the week. The track of the tropical system leaves some uncertainty surrounding the end of this week, but the cut-off low alone should provide for at least some rain.

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