Watchdog group says Bolivar school district must stop prayer in all-staff meeting

A nonprofit watchdog group committed to the separation of church and state recently notified Bolivar school officials that leading a prayer during a staff meeting is inappropriate.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (based in Madison, Wis.) sent the Polk County district a letter Sept. 11 to new superintendent Michael Methvin.

In it, attorney Hirsh Joshi said a concerned employee reported that a local pastor “recited a school-sponsored prayer over the audience using a loudspeaker” during the Aug. 13 all-staff assembly.

“Several staff members were uncomfortable but were too afraid to walk out or speak out against the prayer,” Joshi wrote. “School-sponsored prayer coerces attendees into worship. Over a captive audience, official prayer is even more inappropriate. We ask the district to investigate and cease hosting official, pre-planned prayers at its events.”
Michael Methvin

Methvin, who was Springfield’s executive director of middle and K-8 schools prior to taking the Bolivar job, confirmed the prayer was held during the Welcome Back Staff Celebration meeting a week before the first day of class.

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