Buc-ee’s is Going After Another Missouri Business’ Logo in Court

(Terrell, Texas) – Oh Buc-ee’s, what are we gonna do with you. You have a very recognizable logo that can be seen for miles around. We in Texas can certainly tell which logo isn’t Buc-ee’s and which is.

Through your nationwide takeover, your logo has come under fire, or more like you’re firing at other logos. You’ve won a couple of these court battles so we’ll see how this one plays out. Now that you’re moving into Missouri, you’ve got a second Missouri business logo to go after.

Buc-ee’s is Going After Another Missouri Business’ Logo in Court

The latest court battle may have a little bit more merit, maybe. The place in question is called Barc-ee’s in Marshfield, Missouri. This is a locally owned, family and dog oriented, hang out. They serve coffee, food and have a cool play area for the whole family to enjoy.

Buc-ee’s Latest Court Battle Against Another Missouri Business’ Logo

Their logo, at least in my opinion, is a little bit more of a copy than the Duckees logo. It’s a little dog in a hat driving a pink car. The spelling of Barc-ee’s doesn’t help, either.

It’s up to a judge to decide what happens. Barc-ee’s has acknowledged what’s happening with a post on their Facebook page:

Buc-ee’s in Another Court Battle Over its Logo

Buc-ee’s did win a court battle against Choke Canyon (chron.com), another Texas-based convenience store brand, that had a smiling alligator as its logo. There is blatant logo infringement being used by a Mexican gas station chain, too, that Buc-ee’s is finding a way to stop…

Story continues