Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey calls for special State Board of Veterans Affairs meeting

MONTGOMERY, Ala. ( WIAT ) — Today, Gov. Kay Ivey wrote in another fiery letter that ample cause exists to remove W. Kent Davis as the commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

After declining her request for him to resign, Davis said he respectfully disagrees. “At no time did our actions jeopardize the state of Alabama in fulfilling it’s obligations of the two point one billion dollars in ARPA funds,” said Davis.

Of the more than $2 billion allocated, the Department of Veterans Affairs received $7 million to fund mental health programs. In her letter today, Ivey wrote that Davis did not work with other state agencies when they raised concerns over the grants- these being the Department of Finance, and the Department of Mental Health.

Gov. Ivey enclosed two other letters from these departments with her own. Written to the ADVA earlier this year, letters from both departments cited concerns over how much money was being given to awardees. They also express concern over the pertinence of these awardees when it comes to veterans’ mental health in general.

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