Alabama Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit For Compassionate Clergymen Arrested While Watering Neighbor’s Flowers

It’s true what they say, no good deed goes unpunished, but things are looking up for a certain compassionate clergyman.

Source: adamkaz / Getty

A federal appeals court has revived a lawsuit filed by a Black Alabama pastor who was arrested while watering his neighbor’s plants, ruling that the police officers involved can be sued for their actions.

Michael Jennings, the pastor in question, is now one step closer to getting justice for the unlawful arrest that went down in Childersburg, AL almost 2 years ago.

As previously reported by BOSSIP, the incident escalated quickly as seen in 20-minute body-cam footage that showed the pastor going from hose to handcuffs.

Back in May 2022, Jennings was cuffed for caretaking a neighbor’s plants while they were out of town. How did this happen? Because an unidentified Karen called the police. Officers in the body camera footage acted as if they didn’t know who called them to the scene but proceeded to demand Jennings’ ID.

According to NewsOne, the altercation seen below went viral.

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