Why and how Russia sold Alaska to America. A good history lesson for Putin.【Video】


The recent discussion surrounding the historical event of Russia selling Alaska to America has sparked a heated debate among netizens. The conversation was triggered by a video shared on a popular social media platform, which was later discovered to be a creation of the YouTube channel “HistoryMatters”.

One user pointed out the current value of the transaction, stating that the amount Russia received for Alaska would be equivalent to “$11.4b usd in 2024 money.” This comment brings to light the economic implications of the sale, and how the value of money changes over time.

The conversation took a humorous turn when a user commented, “And then we struck oil there and Russia was like 😐.” This remark refers to the discovery of oil in Alaska, which significantly increased its value, much to Russia’s chagrin.

Another user speculated on the geopolitical consequences had Russia retained Alaska, stating, “Russia would have lost Alaska at some point anyways, but could you imagine the Cold War if they still held it?” This comment brings into focus the strategic importance of Alaska during the Cold War era.

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