Did Putin declare the Alaska Purchase of 1867 illegitimate?

Well, not exactly.

On January 18, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree allocating funds for the search, registration, and “proper registration of rights” and legal protection of what he regards as Russian “real estate” that once belonged to the Russian Empire and former USSR.

While not specifically mentioning Alaska, this move has been interpreted as a potential basis for declaring the 1867 sale of Alaska to the United States illegitimate. In turn, Washington has firmly conveyed to Moscow that any attempts to claim U.S. territory will not be tolerated.

“I think I speak for all of us in the U.S. government to say that certainly he is not getting it back,” stated State Department principal deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel during his daily briefing in response to the question about the reported decree.

While Putin’s declaration may be seen by some as nothing more than political posturing, it cannot be dismissed lightly either. The timing of Putin’s decree is noteworthy, as it comes amid strained relations between Russia and the United States and ongoing geopolitical tensions.

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