Governor owes Alaskans more of an explanation on orders than the same old tune

The doors to the Office of the Governor are seen Monday, Aug. 1, 2022, on the third floor of the Alaska State Capitol in Juneau, Alaska. (Photo by James Brooks/Alaska Beacon)

It seems the governor’s office must like country music. Can’t argue with that choice. Country speaks of American dreams and heartbreaks. It’s folklore with beer, barbecue and breakups.

One thing that makes the songs so popular is that they tell human-interest stories, believable or not, including the famous line: “That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.”

Sadly, that same line is essentially all the public is getting from Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s office to explain his decisions behind a dozen executive orders that will take effect unless rejected by the Legislature before mid-March.

While some of the orders might make sense, several would impose substantial changes and have prompted a lot of serious questions from legislators and the public.

But rather than provide actual details of the whys and how comes, the governor’s office is pretty much sticking with its story: “One of Governor Dunleavy’s priorities is to make state government as efficient and effective as possible. Several executive orders transfer functions from boards and commissions to the relevant state department, which is in the best interest of efficient administration.”

Story continues