Alaska schools need more funding to support students and workers

The Alaska State Capitol is seen on Thursday morning, Jan. 18, 2024, in Juneau. (Photo by James Brooks/Alaska Beacon)

Alaska schools need to see a raise in the base student allocation, and it is critical that we consider doing it this year. The status quo no longer provides the realistic support the Alaska Constitution requires, and the BSA is how school funding in Alaska is actually structured. One-time funding gimmicks or teacher pay bonuses will not work. Yes, teachers need raises, but school districts face a range of vital expenses.

When I was on the Juneau school board, I found while reviewing the budget that our district IT people made less than those working for the city, who made less than IT workers for the state, who made less than those working for the federal government, who made less than those in the private sector. Those who worked for the schools did so as a labor of love. Most have since taken positions outside of the school district. Schools need internet and the ability to protect children’s private data, and they also need budget staff, payroll employees, maintenance staff, and the skilled people that all businesses and agencies require to function — as well as the money to maintain safe and adequate facilities. This is why simply creating a teacher salary boost will not prevent our schools from collapsing. Schools also need to keep the lights on.

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