Proposed Changes Aim to Boost Alaska Tribal Representation on Federal Subsistence Board

The Interior and Agriculture Departments have suggested changes to increase Alaska Tribal representation on the Federal Subsistence Board (FSB). The FSB manages subsistence use on federal lands and waters in Alaska, which is vital for the food security and lifestyle of Alaska Native communities.

The Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP), a tribal consortium of 56 federally recognized tribes, may be affected by these changes. The AVCP region covers about 55,000 square miles and houses 27,000 people in 48 communities along the Yukon River, Kuskokwim River, and Bering Sea coast.

The AVCP region’s residents are mainly Yup’ik, Cup’ik, and Athabascan. The AVCP supports its member tribes through community development, education, social services, culturally relevant programs, and advocacy.

The AVCP also encourages self-determination and the preservation of cultural and traditional values. The AVCP has consistently advocated for the protection of the Bering Sea and its resources.

The proposed changes by the Interior and Agriculture Departments aim to amplify the voice of these communities in managing subsistence practices on federal lands and waters, which are essential to their lifestyle.

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