Sun sets in Alaska town for 1st time since May 10

Utqiaġvik, Alaska, is the northernmost town in the United States, and for the first time in 83 days, the sun briefly dipped below the horizon. And much longer nights are ahead.

At 2:16 a.m., the sun finally dipped below the horizon, marking the first official night in 83 days for Utqiaġvik, Alaska, the northernmost town in the United States.

UtqiaÄ¡vik, formerly known as Barrow, lies well north of the Arctic Circle. During the weeks around the summer solstice, the town is bathed in perpetual sunlight as the Earth’s north pole tilts toward the sun.

The last sunset occurred on May 10. Since then, residents have lived in constant daylight, with the sun occasionally dropping down toward the horizon but never fully disappearing.

The first night in months was brief, only lasting for 35 minutes, but much longer nights are ahead.

Conversely, in the weeks surrounding the winter solstice when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, people in Utqiaġvik go weeks without seeing sunlight.

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