Alaska Gov. Dunleavy vetoes five bills passed late by state House

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks to reporters during a news conference Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024. (Photo by James Brooks/Alaska Beacon)

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has vetoed five bills passed by the Alaska Legislature after the constitutionally mandated date to end its session.

The canceled bills include bonding authority for a cruise ship dock in Seward, a bill allowing licensed 18-year-olds to serve alcohol , a measure that would prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage to elected officials, legislation dealing with abandoned boats , and a proposal that would have allowed employers to pay workers with short-term electronic cards .

“It doesn’t surprise me remotely,” said Kodiak Republican Rep. Louise Stutes, who wrote the bill dealing with abandoned boats.

Alaska’s constitution limits lawmakers to a 121-day legislative session, which this year ended May 15. In the final hours of that day, legislators worked frantically to process a logjam of legislation through the House and Senate and on to the governor.

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