Huge Grizzly Bear Takes A Seat Next To Wildlife Photographer In Alaska

It doesn’t even look real…

A full grown adult grizzly bear in Alaska walking up and having a seat right next to you seems like something that might haunt your nightmares, but this fella appears to be pretty friendly… for now.

A bear that can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and is incredibly territorial especially near food sources is not the type of animal I want to come sit next to me.

According to KXRB, Drew Hammond, a nature photographer, who was out in Alaska trying to get a glimpse of some wildlife when he came face to face with a monster of a grizzly. Hammond was near a river, taking photos of other grizzlies catching salmon, when this brute walked up and popped a squat right next to him. And he managed to keep the camera rolling.

The bear lets out a yawn and then starts to pant a little bit as he looks out across the river. The grizzly truly doesn’t seem concerned of the human in its area at all, it’s just checking out the area and standing there.

I mean, just look at the size of its head.

Eventually it gets up and walks behind Hammond who flips the camera around and is seemingly not nervous about a grizzly bear going behind him. As the camera pans to the river you notice a whole bunch of grizzlies feeding in the river.

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