Plan a Trip to Alaska and Stay in These Classic Airplanes Converted into Luxury Accommodations

Planning a trip to Alaska takes on a whole new level of adventure with the opportunity to stay in classic airplanes converted into luxurious accommodations. Flying instructor John Kotwicki has created a unique “airplane amusement park” in southern Alaska, where old, decommissioned aircraft are transformed into Airbnbs. These aren’t just airplane conversions; they are complete with heated floors, functioning kitchens, and even Jacuzzis on the wings. Kotwicki, who also manages a flight school called FLY8MA, found a way to combine his passion for aviation with the allure of Alaska’s stunning natural scenery. With no significant bureaucratic hurdles, he’s been able to bring these planes to his school and turn them into high-end lodgings, providing a distinctive base for exploring the Alaskan wilderness.

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