It was another bad year in the Arctic fire season, but now it’s nearly done

It was another above normal/active fire season in the Arctic (Alaska, Yukon and Northwest Territories). September typically marks the end as the Arctic starts to rapidly cool off.

The U.S. fire season, farther south, goes full into fall.

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Natural Resources Canada

The total area burned in 2024 was about double the 30 year average, but less than last year’s near-record season.


The vast majority of the Arctics fires are started by lightning but the conditions making wildfire seasons longer and more severe are undeniably being made worse due to climate change.

The Arctic in particular is sensitive to extreme heat. This was on display during the Arctic heatwave earlier in August, which pushed cool air into Minnesota at the time.

In the United States, there’s been a marked increase in ‘fire weather days’ defined as dry, hot, windy days that lead to increased fire danger.

Climate Central

A recent study in the Journal Nature made New York Times headlines: “In 2023, Canada’s wildfires released more planet-warming carbon than fossil-fuel emissions from all but three countries.”

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