Alaska man indicted for threatening to assassinate Supreme Court justices and their family members

An Alaska man has been indicted for allegedly making hundreds of threats against six members of the Supreme Court , according to the Justice Department , including plans to assassinate the justices.

Prosecutors allege that Panos Anastasiou, 76, sent roughly 450 messages in March 2023 intended for six justices and two of their family members. Beginning in January, the messages started to “convey threats of harm.” The indictment, which was filed Wednesday but announced Thursday, does not name the specific justices or their family members. There are six Republican-appointed justices on the nine-member bench.

Supreme Court officials reviewed the messages in the spring of 2023 and found them concerning enough to bring an investigation, according to a court filing.

A summary of the messages suggested that they contained “violent, racist, and homophobic rhetoric coupled with threats of assassination via torture, hanging, and firearms, and encouraged others to participate in the acts of violence,” the indictment said.

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