Arizona’s weather rollercoaster: Warm spell precedes multi-day rain and snow forecast

According to the Arizona Weatherman, there will be a dry and warming trend before the next round of rain and snow to impact Arizona. This weekend will be sunny and warm with temperatures in the mid to upper 70s for Southern Arizona, and another blocking pattern will eventually be set up that will result in another round of rain and snow for the state from Thursday, 1 Feb through Monday, 5 Feb 2024.

The 300 mb pattern indicates longwave ridging over Arizona through the weekend into early next week, and this pattern will bring in warmer temperatures, such as 72 F to 77 F for Tucson and Phoenix. After this fair-weather warm-up, the conditions will change to rain for Southern Arizona and rain and snow for Northern Arizona after 1 Feb 2024. As the upper-level blocking pattern gets in place, the setup will bring in several weather systems to Arizona for the next several days.

The rain and snow estimates need to be closer to provide an accurate forecast currently. However, as this changing pattern sets up and more credible data becomes available, the Arizona Weatherman will provide more detailed rain and snow forecasts for both the Northern and Southern parts of the state. Stay tuned for more updates as this weather pattern gets closer.

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