Abortion access on the ballot in 2024

Some states could see abortion measures on 2024 ballot 03:36

While the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade eliminated the national right to abortion, leading to stricter abortion laws in more than 20 states, the fight for abortion access persists at the state level. This year, several states are pursuing ballot measures that would either enshrine abortion access in state constitutions or implement restrictions, signaling that the battle over abortion is far from over.

Of the six states that have already voted on abortion access , all have moved to protect abortion rights, including California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Vermont.

States trying to ensure abortion access


Currently, abortion is legal in Arizona until 15 weeks of pregnancy, with restrictions. Abortions on the basis of race, sex or genetic abnormality are prohibited. Abortion access proponents are collecting signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would ensure the right to an abortion until viability. They must collect 383,923 signatures by early July and by mid-January had reached 250,000.

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