Valley dentist whose patient died in chair may lose license in two states

Dr. Thomas Endicott, the Arizona dentist facing the possible loss of his Arizona dental license after a patient died in his chair, is being investigated by state regulators in Utah.

The Utah Division of Professional Licensing is recommending Endicott’s Utah dental license be revoked because of alleged “unprofessional conduct” under state rules. Specifically, the licensing division cites disciplinary actions taken against his dental license in Arizona, dating back to 2018, that Endicott failed to report to Utah regulators.

Endicott has 30 days to respond to the allegations. It will ultimately be up to the Utah Dentist and Dental Hygienist Licensing Board to decide whether to revoke his license.

The ABC15 Investigators were the first to report last year that Endicott has red flags in his background dating back 20 years.

He lost his dental licenses in Michigan and Illinois for the criminal charges of healthcare fraud and overprescribing narcotics. But he got a second chance when the Arizona State Board of Dental Examiners licensed him in 2012. Four years later, he obtained a Utah dental license.

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