Three indicted fake electors are among the Arizona’s RNC delegates

Nancy Cottle, Jake Hoffman and Anthony Kern are all facing felony charges for their participation in the fake elector scheme to undermine and overturn the 2020 election. All three are members of the Arizona Republican Party’s delegation to the 2024 RNC convention, despite their felony charges. Mugshots courtesy Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

WASHINGTON – Three of the Arizona Republicans indicted as “fake electors” for their roles in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election will serve as delegates at the Republican National Convention in July. And they are defiant.

Arizona Republicans who picked them for the honor were well aware of the charges.

“The voters of America, whether they be Republican or Democrat, are not stupid. And they see what’s happening to President (Donald) Trump, they see what’s happening to Anthony Kern here in Arizona,” state Sen. Anthony Kern, R-Glendale, said by phone.

Three days after a Maricopa County grand jury indicted him and 17 others on felony charges , delegates to the state GOP convention gave Kern the most votes of any candidate for at-large delegate to the national convention at which Trump will accept the presidential nomination.

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