Arkansas chicken farmers seek aid at capitol after processor shuts down unexpectedly

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A legislative meeting at the state capitol took a heated turn Friday morning on the topic of chickens and a company that is now under fire for breaking contracts with northwest Arkansas growers.

Cooks Venture closed in late 2023, despite ongoing contracts with several growers who testified in the meeting Friday.

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Leslie Harp told KARK 4 News after the meeting that she was owed about $35,000 but has only received $3,800 from Cooks Venture so far. Harp was under contract with the company and after finding out it was closing due to financial distress; she and the other growers said the state came in and euthanized the chickens.

Lawmakers said the state’s reasoning was to avoid cannibalistic acts by the chickens and the spread of Avian Influenza. Harp said Avian Influenza was never on her property.

State Senator Bryan King (R-Green Forrest) has argued for months that the state needs to step in and correct its wrongs, specifically with compensation for the killing and cleanup. Senator Tyler Dees and several others, including Secretary of Agriculture Wes Ward argued this is not the state’s role. Dees specifically told KARK 4 News after the meeting that the focus needs to be on companies like Cooks Venture, rather than the Department of Agriculture.

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