Severe Thunderstorms Possible Tonight in the 4 Corners of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas

– Heavy Showers & Thunderstorms Likely in the Ohio Valley and Parts of Pennyslvania & New York State

– NYC Late Summer/Early Fall Conditions on the Move

08/16/24 10:18am ET

Good morning everyone. The Northeast has a very warm to hot day ahead before Mother Nature shuts off the heat for a little while. Late summer and early fall air is on the move, and the pattern is about to shift in a big way. This weekend’s cold front will be the first of several to help tamper down temps, plus protect the Northeast from any hypothetical tropical activity over the next couple of weeks; including the current storm Hurricane Ernesto.

That cold front heading towards the Northeast, will help tough off heavy showers and storms throughout the Ohio River Valley, Central Pennsylvania, and Western/Central New York as it slowly trudges towards the coast. While we don’t have severe thunderstorm watches posted, look for isolated severe weather throughout the region. If severe weather becomes more widespread, watches will be needed.

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