‘A Bully with a White Board Who Is in This for Power and Her Ego’: Ex-Dem Congressman Goes Nuclear On Katie Porter

A former Democratic California congressmen is urging Golden State voters to repudiate Rep. Katie Porter’s (D-CA) campaign for the Senate.

Harley Rouda served in the House of Representatives with Porter from 2019-2021, and wrote in a scintillating op-ed for the Orange County Register that he was surprised to learn that he had become a key figure in Porter’s political biography.

In her memoir, Porter tells readers that Rouda once mistook her for a valet at a fundraising event, and makes him out to be an antagonist of hers in the House.

“Before he was in office, Harley was a rich guy. In Congress, he ballooned into Representative Rich Guy. That transformation changed my occasional envy of him into institutional outrage,” explained Porter, who also accused him of buying a “DC penthouse for millions weeks after the election” and cast aspersions on his wife’s visits to him in the capital.

“Those are all unadulterated lies and that makes you a liar,” declared Rouda in his reply, decrying “her whiteboard everywoman act.”

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