Newsom praises liberal appellate court’s decision in challenge to California’s assault weapons ban

Late Friday, a challenge to California’s assault weapons ban faced a temporary halt as the full Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals examines the legality of the state law that restricts magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

The case, set for a hearing in March in San Francisco, centers on the constitutionality of large-capacity magazines and their prohibition under California law.

The development has implications for the ongoing debate surrounding gun control in California, particularly the restrictions on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Gun rights advocates are challenging the constitutionality of these measures, leading to a legal tug-of-war between Second Amendment rights and public safety concerns.

Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, swiftly responded to the court’s decision with a statement emphasizing the importance of gun safety laws. His office stated Friday night, “Gun safety laws save lives. Period. Tonight’s order by the Ninth Circuit keeps California’s nation-leading assault weapons ban in place—Californians are better off every day our gun safety laws remain in effect. We will continue our fight to defend ourselves from gun violence.”

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