California deficit déjà vu: Revenue whiplash jeopardizes new education programs

One year ago, we wrote that it was time for an honest conversation about California’s structural budget problems . We noted that despite the record level of education spending the state was planning, the highly volatile nature of state tax revenues could change that good news into bad nearly overnight. Nobody cared.

That our cries about a falling sky were ignored last year wasn’t surprising. We were writing only a few months after Gov. Gavin Newsom had reported a surplus of nearly $100 billion in the May 2022 revision . And, his January 2023 budget still projected a “nothing to see here” vibe, despite shifting into a modest deficit. Things were looking pretty OK twelve months ago. Now they aren’t, and despite the governor’s optimism, the fiscal situation may be bad for some time to come, which is why we are picking up this conversation again. If you care about the future of California’s schools and students as we do, you’ll agree we need to have a serious discussion about supporting our education investments with stable revenue.

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