California’s college students cannot wait. We need immediate financial aid now Opinion

Strengthen financial aid

CSU Chancellor: Leveling the playing field through financial aid helps our country | Opinion ,” (, May 6)

We echo CSU Chancellor Mildred García’s call to strengthen Pell Grants. While we support efforts to expand Pell Grants, our students cannot wait. We need immediate funding for the Cal Grant reform enacted two years ago. Cal Grant reform offers a solution to the financial barriers students face. By streamlining the program, removing obstacles and ensuring equitable access to state aid, we can make higher education attainable for many more students.

Funding Cal Grant reform demonstrates our dedication to investing in our students, including adult learners, student parents and underserved communities, as well as our economy and future.

As representatives of California’s universities, colleges and community colleges, we stand united in our commitment to strengthening financial aid and expanding access to higher education. Let us seize this opportunity to lead by example and invest in the future of our students and our state.

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