Much Needed Cooling Trend to End Heat Wave in Southern California

The ongoing heat wave will conclude after Friday due to a weather disturbance moving through northern California, bringing cooler and breezier conditions to the mountains and deserts across southern California into Saturday. The strongest winds are expected on Saturday afternoon and evening.

Dry air from the north is lowering humidity levels, effectively ending the monsoon season. This weekend, coastal areas can expect greater coverage of morning low clouds, becoming patchier next week. A gradual warming trend and a slow increase in humidity are anticipated next week, with a slight chance of thunderstorms late in the week.

Currently, the air mass is drying from north to south, with lower precipitable water values. Inland areas remain almost as hot as yesterday, with moderate heat risk in the Inland Empire and major heat risk in the lower deserts. Palm Springs recorded 109°F at noon, similar to yesterday.

Cooling is expected on Saturday as the disturbance tracks across northern California, with more organized low clouds and marine air pushing into the valleys.

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