Bill Banning Prone Restraint Manuever in California Schools Advances to Governor’s Desk

Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) has announced that Senate Bill 483 (SB 483), which bans the use of prone restraints in California schools, is now awaiting the Governor’s signature. The bill aims to protect students by prohibiting the outdated and hazardous practice of restraining children facedown, often used disproportionately on students with disabilities and students of color.

“SB 483 is about protecting our children and youth while under the care of school staff,” said Senator Cortese. “It encourages schools to adopt safer, evidence-based strategies to handle behavioral issues.”

The bill, inspired by disability rights advocates and named after Max Benson, a 13-year-old student who died following a prone restraint, is a crucial step toward safeguarding students’ welfare in California.

This story was originally published here.