Newsom signs ‘smash and grab’ bill into law

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday signed new legislation that would increase penalties for individuals who take, damage or destroy property while committing any felony.

The new law is the latest in a 13-piece package of legislation focusing on organized property crimes. Assemblymember Esmeralda Soria (D-Merced) originally introduced it, but Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas) later took over as author after Soria received backlash from opponents, according to the Los Angeles Times .

“California already has some of the strictest retail and property crime laws in the nation — and we have made them even stronger with our recent legislation. We can be tough on crime while also being smart on crime — we don’t need to go back to broken policies of the last century. Mass incarceration has been proven ineffective and is not the answer – we need true accountability and strategies that enhance our nation-leading efforts to address crime,” Newsom said in a statement.

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