PGE Is Hiking Your Rates. Again. Prices Are Up 54% in Four Years.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved another rate increase for PG&E in a 4-0 vote, marking the utility’s fourth rate hike this year. The vote took place during the CPUC’s “consent agenda,” meaning it passed without any discussion among commissioners.

Despite the lack of commissioner debate, public opposition was strong. My own readers have written in or left comments indicating that they often need to choose between paying PGE and paying rent.

Many are not using their air conditioners in very hot weather to save money.

Overall, PGE rates have reportedly increased 54% since 2020.

That’s a shocking increase for many Californians. Rates were already high relative to other parts of the country. Now they’re even higher.

And there’s not any indication that bills will come down any time soon. Yes, the current rate hike is supposedly temporary.

But given that this is the 4th rate hike so far this year, CPUC is showing no signs that it’s going to back down on hiking our electric rates.

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