California Highway Patrol Launches Unique Native-Tribal Traffic Education Program

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) announced its support for the new Native-Tribal Traffic Education Program (TTEP), an initiative designed to improve road safety and strengthen relationships between law enforcement and Native American and Alaska Native communities. The program aims to address the unique challenges faced by these communities while promoting safe driving behaviors.

The Native-TTEP focuses on key traffic safety issues such as distracted driving, car seat safety, and seatbelt usage. It also emphasizes respect for tribal sovereignty and cultural practices, ensuring that the program aligns with the specific needs and traditions of Native American and Alaska Native populations.

“Our goal is to not only promote safe driving but also to build trust and collaboration with Native communities across California,” said a CHP spokesperson. “By addressing critical safety issues like distracted driving and seatbelt use, we hope to reduce traffic-related injuries and fatalities in these communities.”

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