In California, on average, in the past three years, there have been 161,728 car accidents resulting in either some form of injury or fatality. When thinking of California, the stark number of car accidents doesn’t really come to mind. In Bakersfield alone, there were an average of 1407 accidents. In light of this being such an unfortunately common occurrence, the emotional and psychological injuries are overlooked, maybe even in the court of law. In such a case, victims could turn to a lawyer for a free case evaluation.
Car crashes can lead to not only physical harm but also cause emotional and mental distress for people involved in the accident. This article delves into the implications of the emotional and psychological effects of injuries and how they can impact those looking for compensation after a traffic collision.
Exploring Mental Injuries
Emotional and mental wounds cover problems that may arise following a car crash. This includes things like anxiety and depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These challenges can significantly affect one’s daily activities as well as their work and personal connections. It is crucial to acknowledge these injuries as valid to seek compensation. Medical records play a role in affirming these assertions.