Year-round gardening: Plan now to attract pollinators to your Colorado garden next spring

There is no time like spring, when life’s alive in everything. — Christina Rossetti

Fall bulb planting is an easy way to bring early blooms into our gardens. At most elevations, the best time to plant bulbs is mid-September to late October, so bulbs can establish roots before the soil freezes. There are many varieties to consider other than the common tulip, daffodil and hyacinth.

Not only are bulbs joyful harbingers of spring, they also can attract pollinators during the early period after the temperatures have started to warm, but before dandelions have started blooming. This early season void is an especially critical time for bees. Here are some spring- blooming bulbs to consider adding to your garden that will provide not only early color and beauty, but important elements to your pollinator habitat.

Snowdrops (Galanthus spp.) are white, nodding flowers that will multiple with time. They are the first to bloom, some as early as late January. On a sunny day, with temperatures above 40 degrees, you can find honeybees visiting snowdrops. Plant in a sunny, south-facing location for early blooms.

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