Colorado voters to weigh in on school choice

DENVER (KDVR) — Should the right to school choice be enshrined in the Colorado Constitution? It is a question voters will have a chance to decide, and not everyone is happy about that.

Some parents and teachers are concerned that the question could go too far.

“I urge you as strongly as I possibly can to vote no on Amendment 80,” Kevin Vick, president of the Colorado Education Association, told a crowd of opponents of Amendment 80.

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Teachers and parents from across the state gathered to rally Friday against the ballot initiative looking to add the right to school choice into the Colorado Constitution.

Opponents fear if passed, the initiative could open the door to private school and charter school families getting access to dollars for public schools.

“The public schools are struggling with funding as it is. This potentially opens the door to siphoning off funding to private schools that most of the money would go to people that are already paying the tuition at private schools anyway. So people are really worried,” Vick said.

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