A Tesla lawyer burst into tears during a deposition on Elon Musk’s compensation package because he admired Musk so much, judge says

Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

  • Tesla’s former general counsel cried during his deposition on Elon Musk’s compensation package.
  • Delaware judge Kathelaeen McCormick said Todd Maron’s “admiration for Musk moved him to tears.”
  • Maron joined Tesla in 2013 and left the company in 2019.

You might be a fan of Elon Musk , but would you cry for him during a deposition?

That’s what former Tesla general counsel Todd Maron did, according to court documents out of Delaware.

In a written opinion on Tuesday, Delaware judge Kathaleen McCormick criticized the way Tesla’s committee and its working group decided to award Musk his $55 billion compensation package . This process that led to the package’s approval was “deeply flawed,” per McCormick’s opinion.

“The working group included management members who were beholden to Musk, such as General Counsel Todd Maron who was Musk’s former divorce attorney and whose admiration for Musk moved him to tears during his deposition,” McCormick wrote in her decision.

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