Odd coastal pairings: Bowling and karaoke, and yes, Taylor Swift and UDel

I have this odd aversion to driving on Route 1, something that I’m sure is unique to me. Nonetheless, I can’t leave home without it.

To minimize my time on Route 1, I have adopted a “one and done” philosophy, using the benignly named Coastal Highway only when time and destination require it.

Similarly, on my trips north to the Philadelphia area, I try to avoid Interstate 95 and its progeny, 295 and 495, for as long as possible, taking state routes instead.

Strip malls: The home of some of Delaware’s oddest pairings

It was while traveling on Route 13 that I first became aware of the odd pairings that one encounters in mini-strip malls, where two or three quite different businesses are located in a single building. One such example is on that state route in New Castle County, where, until recently, a New York Fried Chicken shared a structure with a hirsute, probably better described as hair suite, establishment named NB Hair.

I always felt sorry for this NYFC franchise location, one of Delaware’s answers to KFC, because after going to the trouble of plucking their chickens, there was always the danger they would be re-covered with cuttings from the salon next door.

Story continues