This is how long you have to register, title your car in Delaware after moving here

It’s a guarantee: Anywhere you drive in the First State, you’ll spot of out-of-state license plate.

While you might not initially think much of it, maybe you see the same plate in your parking garage month after month. Or maybe a once-new neighbor on your block isn’t so fresh to Delaware anymore − yet their car still has a non-Delaware tag.

It’s probably none of your business why they haven’t switched their car registration to Delaware. And in fact, there are a few exceptions to the timeframe required under state law to register your car here.

Barring these exceptions, however, how long do you have?

RELATED: New to Delaware? Here’s a road map to the DMV, vehicle registration and deadlines

60 days to register your vehicle, or else

New residents must title and register their vehicles within 60 days of moving to Delaware or face potential criminal penalties, Delaware law says .

Those who violate the law will be fined a minimum of $400, but no more than $600 for the first offense. If that kind of fine doesn’t send a message, subsequent violations are a minimum of $800 but not more than $1,200.

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