Solar Program Mismanagement: Cronyism & Lack of Transparency

In 2022, Delaware launched its Low-Income Solar Pilot Program, intended to provide renewable energy access to disadvantaged households and reduce energy costs. Overseen by the Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), this initiative initially seemed like a positive step forward. However, more than a year later, concerns are surfacing about how the program is being run, raising questions about its true beneficiaries.

Three companies—KW Solar Solutions, Clean Energy USA of Rehoboth Beach, and CMI Solar & Electric—were selected to participate in the program, but the lack of transparency surrounding their selection has left many skeptical. “It doesn’t feel like there was a genuine competitive process,” said one industry insider. “The public doesn’t know why these firms were chosen over others, and that naturally leads to suspicions.”

At the center of this growing criticism is CMI Solar & Electric, whose president also serves as the president of the Delaware Solar Coalition. This dual role has alarmed observers, who are concerned about a conflict of interest. “When someone who stands to benefit from state funds also holds a key position in shaping state solar policy, it’s fair to ask if the decision-making was more about helping friends than helping the public,” said a local watchdog.

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