Office of Highway Safety launches new personal initiative

The Delaware Office of Highway Safety is launching a new initiative to help make roads in Delaware safer for drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

The campaign will spread across the state using a “hyperlocal” approach. The agency wants to meet people where they are in Delaware, including schools, bars and stores, to communicate more directly and personally with drivers in Delaware.

Delawareans can expect to see palm cards, yard signs and other printed material in their communities. One common message used in the campaign will be “Drive Safe Delaware. Love Your Neighbor.”

The whole idea of the campaign is to reach drivers individually and personally. Community Relations Officer at OHS Meghan Niddrie said the campaign is looking to position safe driving as a shared responsibility.

“We really want to highlight that your safe driving behaviors impact not only you but your community and the people that you care about that are around you,” Niddrie said. “It’s about remembering that your decisions affect other people around you.”

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