Enhancing education in Delaware through arts experiences rooted in curriculum

At Delaware Institute for the Arts in Education (DiAE) we believe that education and the arts are deeply interconnected.

Recently, DiAE has experienced a wave of requests for teacher professional development. In fact, last year we more than doubled the number of teachers served, reaching almost 500 across Delaware.

DiAE’s professional development (PD) program is a cornerstone of our mission.

We seek to enhance education in Delaware through high-quality arts experiences that are rooted in the curriculum, occur during the school day, and are delivered by a multidisciplinary team of gifted teaching artists. Our professional development model is collaborative. Topics are co-created by the school partner, the teaching artist, and Artistic Director Ashley SK Davis, an expert in arts integration.

This approach ensures that the professional development we offer is relevant to the specific needs of the school and teacher. Together, we design programs that not only bring the arts into core curriculum subjects but also empower students to see themselves as artists.

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