Why Should Delaware Care?
Since the COVID pandemic, Delaware’s health care system has faced an increase in rising costs, workforce shortages and disparities. Governor-elect Matt Meyer’s plan addresses these issues, which advocates feel will provide much needed relief, but they stress the need for immediate action to ensure a truly equitable and effective system.
Governor-elect Matt Meyer is stepping into office with an ambitious four-year health care agenda that plans to tackle Delaware’s growing health challenges, sparking both optimism and caution among advocates and stakeholders.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Delaware has seen worsening health care access and affordability, stemming from rising care costs, a shortage of providers, an increase in chronic illness and health inequities among different demographics.
The issues have affected the state’s most vulnerable populations hardest while straining the workforce’s ability to meet growing demands.
And while advocates are excited about Meyer’s focus on these challenges, they stress the need for immediate relief for both patients and providers.