From Tents To Affordable Housing: As FL’s New Homeless Law Looms Its Municipalities Begin To Prepare

In December of 2023, the United States reportedly experienced its highest rate of homelessness since 2007. Florida has not been immune to this increase. Florida reportedly contributed 15,482 unsheltered people in the aforementioned 2023 homeless count, and the state has recently passed legislation to address the issue. As a result, some of Florida’s counties and cities are scrambling to prepare. This article will examine how.

Florida’s New Homeless Legislation – HB 1365: In March of 2024, Governor DeSantis signed HB 1365, which prohibits homeless individuals from camping on streets, sidewalks, and parks. As a result of this change, some of Florida’s municipalities are beginning to make strides toward preparing for HB 1365, which goes into effect in October of 2024. Here’s a look at what some of them are doing:

Pinellas County: This county in the central part of the state is having task force meetings between law enforcement, county commissioners, and organizations that provide shelter. So far, the task force is trying to find more bed space and secure funding. For example, the organization Pinellas Hope has secured 25 additional tents for those in need since there is reportedly a wait list at some shelters.

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