Fact Check: No, Video Doesn’t Show Florida State Guard Firing Surface-to-Air Missiles at Migrant Boats


A video being shared online in late June 2024 authentically showed the Florida State Guard firing surface-to-air missiles at migrant boats.


Originated as Satire ( About this rating? )

On June 26, 2024, an X user posted a video appearing to show rockets being launched from the U.S. coast and claimed it showed the Florida State Guard firing missiles at migrant boats attempting to reach the island city of Key West ( archived here ).

“BREAKING: Governor Ron DeSantis orders the Florida State Guard to launch surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) at migrant boats trying to land in Key West. Do you support this type of military action to prevent a migrant invasion?” the X user wrote.

The post had amassed more than 170,000 views at the time of this writing.

Some X users replying to the video said they did support the use of missiles to prevent migrants reaching the U.S.

“Unironically yes, i do support this type of military action against an invasion,” one wrote .

Another said : “Yes, should have started some time ago.”

Story continues