Study Shows Florida Failing in Homeless Support – Among the Worst in the Nation

Homelessness in Florida isn’t exactly a fresh topic—it’s been a pressing issue for years, and it’s only becoming more visible. From people seeking refuge at airports to the growing number of homeless baby boomers, the situation is unfolding right before our eyes in the Sunshine State. And if you think that’s bad, a recent study might just make you realize how far Florida still has to go in supporting its homeless population.

So, how does Florida stack up against other states when it comes to supporting its homeless community? Well, according to a study by SmileHub—a website that digs into various social issues—the answer is: not great. In fact, out of all 50 states, Florida ranked 43rd. That’s right, only Nevada, North Carolina, Alabama, Arizona, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee scored worse. It’s not exactly a trophy we’d want to bring home, is it?

Let’s break down some numbers to understand just how severe the homelessness problem is in Florida. The Florida Coalition to End Homelessness estimates that on any given night, about 31,462 individuals are without a home. And this isn’t just a “young person” problem. A staggering 27% of these individuals are 55 years and older, showing that even older adults are struggling to find stable housing.

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