Heavy Showers & Thunderstorms Possible Across Parts of Florida

Heavy Frost & Freeze Likely Across the Midwest, Central States, and Northeast

10/15/24 10:40am ET

Good morning everyone. Chilly air has finally arrived into the Northeast and much of the Midwest & Central States. In the Northeast, lingering lake affect rain showers and a few pellets of sleet remain as cold winds blow across the warm lakes. Meanwhile temperatures in the big cities and coastal regions struggle in the 40’s and won’t get out of the 50’s today. Cool air remains locked in place until the weekend, where 70’s return for a few days before the next cooldown.

In the Midwest & Central States, another night of heavy frost and freeze conditions are expected, but we widen the advisory, watch, and warning areas. Freeze warnings stretch from the Dakotas on down into Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. We’ll also watch sub-freezing temps spread across into Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois. This cold air mass is far-reaching now, with freeze warnings also in Indiana and Ohio. Look for more of the same tomorrow night and possibly Thursday night as well.

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