Florida Welcomed 940,000 Newcomers in 2023: Where They Chose to Live and Why They Left

While much has been said about the influx of people moving to Florida, with nearly 940,000 newcomers arriving in 2023, it’s worth noting that not everyone has chosen to stay. In fact, over 510,000 residents packed their bags and left Florida last year, according to recent census data—making it the second highest state for outmigration after California. So, where did these former Floridians go, and what motivated their departure?

Popular Destinations for Floridians Who Moved Away

Census data reveals that those leaving Florida didn’t travel far, opting for nearby states or familiar regions. Here’s a breakdown of the top destinations:

  1. Georgia: Attracting just over 55,000 former Floridians, Georgia was the most popular choice for those looking to relocate.
  2. Texas: Known for its thriving economy and relatively affordable cost of living, Texas welcomed 50,500 Floridians.
  3. North Carolina: Approximately 39,900 Floridians found a new home in North Carolina, drawn by its mix of urban centers and scenic landscapes.
  4. Virginia: With 24,700 new arrivals from Florida, Virginia was another favored destination, offering a mix of historical charm and coastal living.
  5. New York: Surprisingly, New York attracted the same number of former Floridians as Virginia, with 24,700 opting for the Empire State.

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