House approves Prosecutor’s Oversight Commission bill as Senate begins investigation into Willis

The Georgia House voted to create a commission that would have oversight over state prosecutors.

This comes just three days after the Georgia Senate voted to open an investigation into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

House Republicans insist the oversight commission has nothing to do with Willis or her prosecution of former President Donald Trump. Democrats aren’t buying it.

They think the effort in the House and the new Senate investigation into Willis’ office are all tied together, even as House Republicans insist that’s just not the case.

The vote went right along party lines.

The Prosecutor’s Oversight Commission could open investigations into any district attorney in Georgia following complaints of misconduct, offenses involving moral turpitude, or, the bill says, conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice which brings the office into disrepute.

That commission could sanction or remove the DA from office.


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